Domani 14 ottobre a Tokyo la prima giornata che raccoglie parlamentari, testimoni, uomini di religione per l'abolizione della pena di morte in Giappone
Dopo caso di Sagamihara, quando nel luglio scorso un giovane armato di un coltello aveva ucciso 19 persone e ne aveva ferite altre 30 in una struttura per disabili, appare urgente raccogliere tutti coloro che credono in una giustizia che rispetti la vita.
La Comunità di Sant'Egidio e la Commissione per gli Affari Sociali del Parlamento Italiano invitano a due giornate di riflessione per discutere di nuovo sullo Stato di diritto e il senso della pena in Giappone, nel quadro della norma internazionale, per l'abolizione della pena di morte
di seguito il programma dell'evento del 14 ottobre a Tokyo:
Conferenza venerdì 14 ottobre ore 10 - 12,30
No Justice Without Life
House of RepresentativesFirst Members’ Office Bldg. 1F – Congress Hall2-1-2 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
I Part
Yuko Shiota
Center for Prisoners’ Rights
Opening Addresses
Alberto Quattrucci
Secretary General of Peoples and Religions
Community of Sant’Egidio
Domenico Giorgi
Ambassador of Italy to Japan
Francesco Maria Fini
Deputy Head of EU Delegation to Japan, Introductory Lecture
Mario Marazziti
Chairman of the Commission for Social Affairs to the Italian House of Representatives
Movie on the Death Penalty in the World
II Part
David McNeill
Japan correspondent for Irish Times, Independent
and Japan Times newspapers, USA
Shizuka Kamei
Chairman of the Parliamentary League
for the Abolition of Death Penalty
Yoshio Urushibara
Komeito Party -
Chairperson of the Central Committee
Seiken Sugiura
Liberal Democratic Party
Former Minister of Justice
who refused to carry out executions during his term of office
Osamu Kamo
President of JFBA's Committee
on Abolition of the Death Penalty
Hideko Hakamada
Sister of Iwao Hakamada, innocent, world’s longest-held
death row inmate - 48 years - freed on March 27th, 2014
Ryuji Furukawa
Seimeizan Shweitzer-ji
Yukihisa Fujita
Democratic Party,
Director General of International Department
Mizuho Fukushima
Social Democratic Party,
Member of the House of Councilors of Japan
Tadashi Shimizu
Japan Communist Party ,
Member of the House of Representatives of Japan
Nobuto Hosaka
Mayor of Setagawa
Former Secretary General of the Parliamentary League
for the Abolition of Death Penalty
III Part
Yuko Shiota
Center for Prisoners’ Rights
(free interventions)
Mario Marazziti
Chairman of the Commission for Social Affairs
to the Italian House of Representatives
Secretary General of Peoples and Religions
Community of Sant’Egidio
Domenico Giorgi
Ambassador of Italy to Japan
Francesco Maria Fini
Deputy Head of EU Delegation to Japan, Introductory Lecture
Mario Marazziti
Chairman of the Commission for Social Affairs to the Italian House of Representatives
Movie on the Death Penalty in the World
II Part
David McNeill
Japan correspondent for Irish Times, Independent
and Japan Times newspapers, USA
Shizuka Kamei
Chairman of the Parliamentary League
for the Abolition of Death Penalty
Yoshio Urushibara
Komeito Party -
Chairperson of the Central Committee
Seiken Sugiura
Liberal Democratic Party
Former Minister of Justice
who refused to carry out executions during his term of office
Osamu Kamo
President of JFBA's Committee
on Abolition of the Death Penalty
Hideko Hakamada
Sister of Iwao Hakamada, innocent, world’s longest-held
death row inmate - 48 years - freed on March 27th, 2014
Ryuji Furukawa
Seimeizan Shweitzer-ji
Yukihisa Fujita
Democratic Party,
Director General of International Department
Mizuho Fukushima
Social Democratic Party,
Member of the House of Councilors of Japan
Tadashi Shimizu
Japan Communist Party ,
Member of the House of Representatives of Japan
Nobuto Hosaka
Mayor of Setagawa
Former Secretary General of the Parliamentary League
for the Abolition of Death Penalty
III Part
Yuko Shiota
Center for Prisoners’ Rights
(free interventions)
Mario Marazziti
Chairman of the Commission for Social Affairs
to the Italian House of Representatives
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